Renewable Logo

The logo should only be used on multiwall sacks constructed primarily of paper. If the sack also contains non-renewable materials, such as a plastic ply or liner, a clear, prominent, qualifying statement should be added, e.g. “Also contains one ply of polyethylene film.”
Increasingly, the forests of North America which supply the raw material for paper shipping sacks are being certified as well managed in conformance with the Sustainable Forestry Initiative program which integrates the perpetual growing and harvesting of trees with the protection of wildlife, plants, soil, water, and air quality.
This independently governed program provides education, certification standards, certification audits and on-product labeling to document renewable paper content. For more information and a list of participants, visit the SFI Program.
We encourage purchasers of paper shipping sacks to talk with their U.S. suppliers about the benefits of adding the PSSMA Renewable Resource logo to their shipping sacks.